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101 Strategic Tips For Changing The Culture At Camp

Ten sections or chapters make up this book. While you are able to go to the section that is most relevant to your needs, it is also set up in a way to give a step-by-step guide on how to successfully shift your culture.

The chapters are:

  • Chapter 1: Assessing Current Versus Perceived Norms

  • Chapter 2: Selecting the Right Norm To Shift First

  • Chapter 3: Obtaining Buy-In

  • Chapter 4: Conducting Initial Socializing/Re-socializing

  • Chapter 5: Dealing With Resistance, Backlash And Aggressive Countercultures

  • Chapter 6: Strengthening Internalization

  • Chapter 7: Making a Culture Shift During Prep Season

  • Chapter 8: Making a Culture Shift While At Camp

  • Chapter 9: Evaluating Retention

  • Chapter 10: Encouraging Generation Transfer


"Andrea Nash has vividly captured the human resistance to change and provided highly effective solutions in this engaging chapter. Her discussion of the social psychology of group dynamics is clear, accurate, and peppered with real-life examples every director can relate to. Best of all, her methods for promoting durable change through empathy and engagement—rather than hastily terminating a dissenter’s employment—will create healthy outcomes for any youth program who finds itself battling an aggressive counterculture."

        Dr. Chris Thurber
        Psychologist & Educator

"Andrea Nash uses the latest scientific research and clear examples to help you create effective change in your camp environment. A must read for any camp professional."

        Caren Baruch-Feldman, Ph.D.
        Psychologist, Faculty Member of, 
        Author of 'The Grit Guide for Teens'

"Andrea Nash Boynton's work on Dealing With Resistance, Backlash And Aggressive Countercultures is thorough, creative and wise. Any camp staff member, from counselor to director, can get a lot out of reading through this material and taking it to heart."

        Travis Allison, @CampHacker
        CEO, Go Camp Pro

"I tend to make mistakes in patterns. Andrea describes with surprising specificity what's happening in these situations and how I can avoid them in the future. I already feel better prepared for next summer. A great tool for any intentional camp director."

        Matthew Smith
        Director, Longacre Leadership Camp

"In the park service, there are many different areas that develop their own cultures: the state with park, the park with its employees, the park with its patrons, and the park with its volunteers. All of these areas are consistently affected by changing policy decisions, and being able to impart these changes can be incredibly difficult. However, the tips enclosed within this book can help ease transitions and help assess when problems can and are occurring. For example: being able to listen and understand the concerns of park patrons unused to the changes; knowing how your volunteers and staff are feeling and being able to address their concerns; and being able to gradually implement decisions to minimize backlash from patrons and employees. This book may be targeted at camps but other institutions would do well to pay attention to the advice."

        Bernard Schuler
        Park Ranger

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